Explaining the brain at the brain festival “Over de Kop“

It was much fun explaining the brain to everyone interested at the outreach event “Over de Kop“ organized by Prof. Hanneke Hulst and the Brein in Beeld foundation. This brain festival was targeted for everyone interested in learning about our brain and took place on 12th June 2023.

Amongst a brain fair, where people could explore the brain with anatomy models, perform motor tasks usually used in research or clinical settings, or do a cognitive challenge by trying out a music tapping task, different talks addressed the relationship between the gut and the brain, how sleep is regulated by the brain and if the use of navigation systems has an impact on our brain.

Overall a very nice evening where a lot of exchange with children, students and interested people took place!

Read more about the Over de Kop festival here,


Grant awarded by the Dutch National MS Fonds